Smart Electronics for your Miniature World

Van Perlo Elektronica en Besturingstechniek develops and distributes electronic solutions to control your miniature world. The modeling hobby is already quite expensive. Therefor we focus on product that offer great functionality for a very reasonable price.

Our solutions can be characterised as versatile and flexible, In most modules microcontroller technology is used, and our products can almost without exception be controlled of configured by a PC. The advantage of this is that a very limited number of different modules offers a broad range of possibilities and above all there is no need to buy new hardware every time your requirements and vision change. Although this means that most modules require more than 2 wires to connect and probably you need to read a manual, applying our solutions can be done by every hobbyist with just basic knowledge of electronics.

17 december 2015


VPEB presents the RM-C. The RM-C replaces the RM-U P&P for new deliveries.

Properties of the RM-C:

  • Compact design
  • USB connection to the PC only
  • RS485 connection to Dinamo(/MCC) modules only
  • RS485 connection by RJ45 and 3-pole connector, to be used according to preference
  • Galvanic separation between USB and RS485 bus
  • Standard supply in enclosure
  • Dimensions 63mm x 65mm x 22mm incl enclosure

The RM-C firmware is based on the same sourcecode as the RM-U. This means that the RM-C and RM-U developments will run in parallel and new functions for the RM-C will be equally available for owners of the RM-U and RM-U P&P.

The RM-C can be ordered from today with the VPEB partners.

To be clear: The normal RM-U (full version) will remain available and the product RM-U / RM-U P&P will remain "under support".


21 october 2015


No, we haven’t re-invented the Roman Numbering System.

The new MCCdec03 is significantly smaller than MCCdec02. That calls for the challenge to convert even smaller vehicles into digital ones. Of course it helps if other necessary parts cooperate a bit


MCC-MC stands for MCC-MicroCoil. A new receiver coil  to mount underneath your car. The MCC-MicroCoil is “self bonded”. That means there is no plastic body necessary to keep the rolled-up copper wire together. Because of that, the MCC-MicroCoil is a lot smaller than the  “normal” receiver coil.

      Normaal  MCC-MC
Outer Diameter (mm)  8.7      7.4       85%
Inner Diameter (mm) 4.8 5.6 117%
Height (mm) 2.3 0.8 35%
Volume (mm3) 95.1 14.7 15%


  • The outer diameter is smaller. That means the coil fits in smaller area’s.
  • The inner diameter is larger. That means the coil can be placed around other parts, where this is impossible with the “normal” receiver coil. For instance, the MCC-MicroCoil fits around the steering support column of a known German brand model car. A very handy place, because the coil is by definition above the middle of the road.
  • The height is just 0.8mm, 35% of the normal coil.
  • The total volume of the MCC-MicroCoil is no more than 15% compared to the coil with support material.

Starting October 23, 2015 every new decoder (so both MCCdec02 and MCCdec03) comes standard with the new MCC-MicroCoil. If you prefer the normal version, please indicate this clearly when ordering.
The MCC-MicroCoil can also be ordered separately. The Recommended End User Price is € 5,50 incl VAT.